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Claire, this girl Maya reminds me of you so much!!! miss you!!! she is so cute and is sweet and makes the cutest faces and gets so excited for everything!!!! oxoxoxo miss you |
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in london on the thames river was this sign.... very brilliant,, what does it mean to you? |
Holli and i looking over the Thames River
Maya and I with the Thames river :)))
There is light next to all of us... this was in the jail cell as well
Corina :)
THis window is a view into the courtyard where they hang the prisoners... they had to look out this window and know that they were going there soon,,, a kind of psychological torture
not to be depressing but hey i thought it was interesting...
Dragon!!!! they exist!
Tower bridge... they are lumming over the city and make you feel like you want to sing, london bridges falling down (yet they are not the london bridges but they are huge!)
Skate park with incredible graffiti
me and the tower
Thomas my friend who is brilliant with photography, very sweet, surfer, awesome guy from australia. we got to enjoy the pubs and I met him at the play called "much a do about nothing" by shakespeare over at the globe theatre in London. where Shakespeares plays where shown when he was alive.
Us on the double decker bus!!!
old map
o hey
very heavy helmet ,,,, keep my head safe.. probably need one of these for bike riding....
you can see me,, i am a ghost
hahahah mom!!! i woulda bought it but it didnt seem like a good story.... so i took a picture ;) thinking of you! ;)
HAHAHAH harry was here!!!!
Train ride: I have decided I want to go to that town that Is right on the water it is the last town in England before we get into Scotland! I will do that in October… this month I am going to Edinburgh (?) anyways I meet a very darling old man whom was telling me how him and his friends where meeting up and going to the princess gardens then having lunch and then a gallery and tea and then heading back to New Castle. This old fellow and his friends made me excited about being old because they seemed to really enjoy being together and seeing the beautiful things there are to see. They chat and laugh and go to church and knit! I can’t tell you how much I like the simplicity of the life here. You walk around the small town viewing the cows and hills and cobblestone walkways and feel as if you are in the wrong century. To live here and live simply is a beautiful idea
yes a poster of the play i went to,,, i got too into the play that i forgot to take pictures!!!
Going to the Globe Theatre in London was one of my favorite times in London because the play was magnificent, written by Shakespeare who’s works were preformed here a long time ago.! This is where I happen to stand by some aussies who became my friends shortly after. They are some amazing people, very unique, easy going, and fun! I enjoyed many moments with them, some of the easiest people to be around (but hardest to get a hold of). I was very lucky to have met pretty much the best people who were in London (aussie friends) I could not have asked for a better random group of people to have meet and spent time with.
Aussie friends. Thomas, Andres, Zach, and Shaun, you gotta meet them!
along my long walk i passed by some lovely gardens i thought you might want to see
BIG BEN!!!! reminds me of a cartoon i saw once
HAHA this drink Louise is drinking is called IRN BRU and it is the only soda that has every sold more than coca cola in any country in the world
Friday: the most relaxing day of my life, I spent looking up at sycamore trees listening to worship music and being grateful. Then walking aimlessly and ending up at a place where they sell theatre tickets where I met my first Scott in London, continuing to the breakfast place where I ate a traditional English breakfast. Then waltzed over to the British library. It is a brilliant place with many historical parts to it, wooden staircases and old books. I believe I like sitting near books, I don’t even have to read them and I feel really happy J))). After ripping myself from the calm peace of a huge magnificent library I decide to try and get to the Tate Gallery all the way on the other side of London. I had a grand experience. I saw many surrealistic pieces of art, which don’t make any sense. I chose to walk by the Thames River (they call them a Water here) where I feel the wind blow my hair back, I hear the music played by street musicians, I smell roasting sugar coated peanuts, which soon changed to tasting, and I could see vendors along the sparkling blue water ready to sell their products for the Thames Festival.
The king had everything... so if you visited him what would you give him??? well why not a polar bear? or a lion? or baboons... yes they were wild all ove rthe palace... people got hurt
classic english breakfast i ate at 3pm for my bruninner
ok so some duke guy was in jail and he wrote this historical book.... looks typed eh? no thats his hand writing!
the jail
Graffiti.... better than ours today....
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