Friday, September 9, 2011

Just because u designed the largest ferries wheel. Or created the worlds most cherished piece of art or film, or you happen to know thousands of peoples, or every man loves u or every woman loves u does not make u worth knowing or most interesting, or better than anyone. How can a cherry be compared to a cat? There is no hierarchy of humans. No one person is better to meet than another. What makes some one worth knowing, or maybe a better question, what makes a person anything? Where does the worth we give people come from? Where does the worth we give ourselves come from?i would say perhaps it is a gift, a quality, a blessing, or honor. Do we have the power to bestow honor onto another? I believe we do. Ask these questions to your self and do not be afraid of your own answer. Because the exploration of our beliefs will reveal to us the false beliefs we hold, but also the truth that is available can actually be beheld and perhaps set in our hearts. Just a thought


  1. this is so true. C.S. Lewis reminds us to look at each person as an eternal being, infinately important, and a unique treasure. Paul writes to the corinthians in (I Corth 12) reminding them that each of them are all part of the same body and no parts are more important than the other parts, and the parts that are seen as "weaker" are in fact "indespensible and the parts that we think are less honorable are to be treated with special honor. Wouldn't the world be different if we realized that when one of us suffers in some way we all suffer? and that the folks that for some reason or another, we don't see as valuable, are in fact indespensible!! I cant wait to see you pictures of Stirling and the last few days in London!! I am glad you like the errings, how are the boots and stuff working out? has it been raining? have you eaten anything unusual? met any new peoples? I miss you and love you so mucho!!!

  2. I LOVE THIS!! I just copy and pasted it to a note pad! The whole idea of Celebrity makes me sick and this is exactly why, it devalues everyone else. And the reasons we give celebrities value are ridiculous! Well written HAVATRON!!! I wanna read your book...

  3. thanks guys you are so wonderful!!! an dencouraging i am glad you like it\!!!!!!! i will write a book. def a dream of mine!!! Dustin u rock thanks so much for caring!!!
