Sunday, September 4, 2011

airflight travels

yes dont make fun of me but i got Euro's to go to England. this ended up being a bit of a problem when i got there unable to pay for buses. yet luckily someone i met on the bus took me everywhere and explained how the buses work and was able to help me get on without pounds. Also a worker took my euro with no charge. Then exchanging my euro's to pound cost a fortune. yet it is done... and if your wondering about the shirt dollar Dan (below folded it himself)

Backstory: two days ago I was chatting with someone about giraffes, I asked the question, ‘what sort of noise does a giraffe make? Do you think a horse noise/’ that was our conclusion…

Then talking to Dan (Irish man) we were discussing the plural form of different species. I bring up giraffes and he decides to switch the subject. With a quizzical face he says “ you know… giraffes don’t make a noise.” …”my sister has a baby” I cut him off.. “a giraffe?” .. “No, a baby human” and he proceeds to describe to me how this baby has a book with animal pictures and noises for animals. He tells me how when you press the giraffe button their comes out some ridiculous noise. (he makes the noise “rararge) I died laughing,, cause I imagine the button being pressed and no noise coming out and he says that there really should not be a noise there..
 Then today in London heathrow airport I met a lady from south Africa and she tells me that giraffes def don’t have a noise.
Another funny conversation includes Dan the irish man... I happened to say one very brilliant quote and he really liked it. So I told him the deal, he could pay monthly to use my quote and there would be unlimited quoting. He then asked if in the deal he could text it to his friends and I said that would cost extra, but If he bought the full plan he would be able to write it, e mail it, text it, and speak it for only 19.99.
Yes there are a lot of detail of my trip and no I wont include my food intake….coffee coffee, tea!

Then in line for plane I told the guy behind me who was making fun of my gynormous phone, that it actually was a remote control for the plane and it had high quality features such as text messaging and phone call making. this is a lake we flew over

 here are some of my new friends who had to sit next to me for 7 hours!!! we had a great time, very funny people, blonde guy works for international affairs for USA and brunette was traveling to Germany for fun! peace bros you rock thanks for making my plan trip very entertaining
 me and my bangle (bracelete, they call them bangels here) on a rail to paddington station
 This is a very nice person whom i met at a stop sign who ended up carying two of my bags for me all the way to the Hostile, up a huge hill and up some stairs soooo thankful!!! i probably would have passed o ut doing it myself
I am loosing track of my days. My brain was shutting down yesterday as I sat at Café De Fred drinking 3 shots of espresso. I continued to press on through to 10pm that night!

 Here is a gate, very fancy gate at the end of the park, everything is so intriguing to me right now i get along with objects at the moment since they dont talk we connect
 this is for Rebecca!!!! hahah thought of you!

 archway.... i have decided to call the places i am staying at Burrows so that my mom feels better about it since she hates the word Hostile :) CUTE

 the tree was bright colors and i loved it!!!! and i didnt even know there was a man in a Kilt who walked under it right when i was taking the picture, what a couincidence! since i am in London and not Scotland yet :/ :)
 just some apartments no big deal they just look ridiculously amazing!

 the way to my Burrow
 Doorways were my fav. part of the scenery yesterday and i thought you may like to look at this one in particular
right along this path there is a door and through that door is the burrow where i am staying :)))

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