WElcome to our tour! here is our first stop :) another Castle,,, i am glad you like castles cause i do too
THis is a precious woman who is very silly and so much fun
This is my Irish cottage home...
we are bus buddies! today we really learned a lot about our selves and got to pray together! :)
I love you oooo i really dooooooo *song i am listening to right now!
hahah i snuck away and WAM took a picture of them without their knowing.... i am kinda like a spy,,,
usually people try to get to a location to take a picture where they wont get the many tourists that are wandering around trying to do the same thing... so in my spy/documentary creative moment i took a picture of this bananza
If you didnt know this cross is Celtic, and it is everywhere here
Spirlas: this is for Jenny: After interlace, spirals are the most commonly recognized of Celtic design motifs. Spirals are among the most primal of the human artistic vocabulary and are found in most artistic traditions. Spirals adorn Irish Stone Age monuments at Newgrange, dating from 2,500 B. C. The La Tene style of spiral ornament is the defining artistic characteristic of the Celtic Iron Age. In the Golden Age of Celtic Art, beginning in the 7th century A. D. a very complex style of spiral ornament emerged that is referred to as Ultimate La Tene.
i lil shop we stoped at by the sea :)
These are my new Italian friends! :) I began our conversation about how I liked the one in the greens earings and she said she made them! She makes al kinds of pretty Jewelry! At the end of the tour she surprised me by giving me one of her earings made of colorful buttons and a safety pin :) so sweet!!!
guess who??? Alpacs! they are kinds like sheep that got stretched right in the neck region
its love
O MAN these are the mini cliffs of Moher, the real ones are coming soon ... just get ready,, dun dun dun
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HI! i was here i promise!
yes her stomach hurts....
TO the left to the left!
the shoppe looked like it was at a hobit Borough!!! mom and Stancey i thought you would LOVE that
and behind us is the CLIFFS OF MOHER the $th Wonder of the WORLD! man its cool
i dropped my jacket in the mud and the mud got on the silk!!! yesssssssssssss i have a piece of these cliff with me 4 ever... or as long as my jacket lasts!
here is the cliffs of INSANITY from the princess ride if any one has seen it!!! anyone???? hahah dangerous they say
Harry Potter the sixth movie was filmed pieces of it here!!! i actually saw it a couple nights before coming here, it was crazy i felt like i should catch it.. dont should on things,,, but i did and of course i loved it but then i saw the cliffs and i had no idea they would be connected!
Yes we got stuck in the blue lighted bus for many hours. ... since we arrived in Dublin and it had flooded while we were enjoyed the cliffs of moher without rain! one of many Miracles we had!
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