Jesus your amazing. Today its only 2pm and I have already had an amazing day. Woke up early to be with you, made quinoa, drank tea and read about politics. Then I took a walk around the hills behind the school and remembered who I am in you meditating on the verse Isaiah 62:2-4
2 The nations will see your righteousness.
World leaders will be blinded by your glory.
And you will be given a new name
by the Lord’s own mouth.
3 The Lord will hold you in his hand for all to see—
a splendid crown in the hand of God.
4 Never again will you be called “The Forsaken City”[a]
or “The Desolate Land.”[b]
Your new name will be “The City of God’s Delight”[c]
and “The Bride of God,”[d]
for the Lord delights in you
and will claim you as his bride.
2 The nations will see your righteousness.
World leaders will be blinded by your glory.
And you will be given a new name
by the Lord’s own mouth.
3 The Lord will hold you in his hand for all to see—
a splendid crown in the hand of God.
4 Never again will you be called “The Forsaken City”[a]
or “The Desolate Land.”[b]
Your new name will be “The City of God’s Delight”[c]
and “The Bride of God,”[d]
for the Lord delights in you
and will claim you as his bride.
And I got to pray a bit and let you reform my mind into remembering you and letting your spirit encourage me. I heard you tell me that I am yours and that nothing else matters. That it doesn’t matter what I wear or what people think, but what really matters Is being in prayer and loving on people really getting a new perspective. I meet about 3 wonderful people today from my politics class one from Belfast and 1 works on Glasgow at the airport and he loves ducks, and another who loves to read… As I went to the library in order to take care of some school necccessaries I ran into people from drama club on accident. This helped me make my decision to go to their initiation or not. Then I ran into Maya and we talked. While we spoke her friend came up who invited me to trampolining initiation where you got to dress safari!!! This is amazing because the day before I went to trampolining and they were not there. I had the wrong schedule, and now I have the right one and I can be a part of their team. When she had said Safari instantly I remembered a girl from Australia who has cheetah pants. I am amazed!! Really I am. That’s when I ran into the other guy from by Edinburgh in my politics class and we chatted it was lovely.. then I went to buy a book and I bought it and was sad that I had to spend 40 pounds on it,,,trying to figure a new way to aquire it.. then I walked outside and there was Lewis and he said he had taken the class and had the book so I ran back in and returned the book got my money back!!!! And wala free book and resources.. Then I walked back to my dorm to study so I can go out tonight and ran into the girl with cheetah pants and she said I could borrow them…. Everything is coming together and I feel like I am working with God rather than against him and the current is drifting me fast into his will and further away from where I have been drowning!! Praise God for his redemption and immediate grace!

today I followed my schedule and I accomplished all things on my agenda besides one. I was very happy with it… I also go to chat with my mom and Nicole. My mom helped remind me about who I am. I need to tell myself and not tell other people I need to show others with my lifestyle. I want to live with integrity I want to obey you Jesus out of pure devotion, keeping in mind the love you have for me. Remembering that I am yours that I was bought with a price and I already belong to you. I want to be so in love with you that it would be ridiculous of me to be with anyone else unless you specifically gave me to them. I pray that I can be pure more than just in body but in my spirit and my mind fully. I want to fall deep in love with you Jesus.
you spoke to me softly about how much you loved me and how you want to spend intimate time with me. How you want to cherish me and make me feel beautiful and full of light! Jesus I want to fall in love with you . I want to long for you everyday. Help me extract the other lovers out of my life such as movies, men, candy, cereal, parties, .. any of it.. lord free me and make me yours I love you my Jesus. Be my companion, my champion my love. I love you I want to know you more. Help me so I know why I am in love with you every day, I know were I want to be and why. It’s because you are magnificeint.
Ok sooooo heres my thoughts
Really been having a blast meeting all kinds of people. But I gotta say I crave to live somewhere where its ok to make deep relaitonships because you know you will be near. Or to have a team of people working together for a simple purpose who will stick it out and stay together! I want to work as a team with a group of people someday with hearts sold out to Jesus fighting and praying for the lives of teens and pushing through challenging outdoor climates, being real, and laughing together always. My life’s passion has always been the same, to create family and KEEP IT and to instill a fire and passion in others to know the love of Jesus to know him in every moment even when there is no water and your spirit is hanging to dry. I want to be in the wilderness where you don’t have to choose which shoes to wear and how to put up your hair. I want to have my thoughts all aligned with praying for others and living my life to do what Jesus says, and to listen and respond to his voice. To have my job depend on prayer and God because I am dealing with people and my goal is for them to know him and the only way for that to happen is to know him myself and to let him speak. That means laying aside myself and that is what I desire please grant my wish my prayer. My prayer is to have more faith… lord give me wisdom on how much to travel where to travel and with whom… give me strength to do my classes and give me hope and power to press on and to dream again. Lord forgive me for my lack of faith when it comes to money and help me believe the impossible and be able to step out help me to think bigger than this world and to see the blades of grass. I see you in the art, in the movies, in the trees, I see you in the quiet, and in the music. J I love you lord thank you for reminding me through the Voyage of the Dawn Trender that I am worthy and that me as me is so vital and important that me being in love with you is beautiful and there is nothing else I need to gain or improve upon I need to just let go let go and believe J)) grant me faith …
ReplyDeleteLive Love, Learn every hour of every day,
The Lord will be with you!!!
Grand Ma Almeda
hahah amen Grand Ma!!!!!!!! he is good